Maia Journeau
Maia is an African American and French-Canadian actor who studied at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Whilst training at RCS, she took part in R&D sessions at the Royal Lyceum Theatre (Macbeth an Undoing, Anna Karenina, and The Outrun) and the Citizen’s Theatre (Small Acts of Love). She also trained at the DAN School of Drama and Music for her BA Honours in Drama at Queen’s University with a training partnership at The Shaw Festival and Theatre Kingston. Some of her credits include: The Crown (Netflix), Lancashire Lass (World Premiere at the Watershed Festival), Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill by Steph del Rosso, Twelfth Night, Dutch Courtesan (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), and The Wolves and Concord Floral (DAN School of Drama and Music).